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Private Screening Rooms in London

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Welcome to our broad collection of event venues in some of London’s very best locations that are available to hire for a unique and memorable private screening. The venues we have selected to feature in this section range from established cinemas and theatres that allow full private hire, to venues with screening room facilities to put on a more intimate private viewing, as well as conferences, business presentations, lectures, speeches or press launches. Within our selection you can also choose between ultra-modern, slick spaces where the architecture and design have been kept deliberately minimalistic so as not to distract, as well as quirky, ornate and immersive settings that make for a wonderfully unexpected screening space, bringing bucket loads of atmosphere and charm to your event, ensuring that no one is likely to forget it in a hurry.

Organising a Research Symposium

A research symposium has a certain amount of gravitas associated with it, but they can be fun as well, it all comes down to how it’s planned. Making sure that the topic is interesting and that there are plenty of oppourtunities for everyone to network will see your event talked about as a resounding success.

Decide on Your Topic

If you’re planning a research symposium, you’ve likely already got a topic in mind.  What you are looking for is to bring a group of like-minded people together to discuss various ideas. When we say like-minded, we mean that they all have a certain amount of interest in a particular field. Healthy debate is always encouraged! When naming your symposium, it’s best to keep it as general as possible so that you can accommodate panels at all ends of the spectrum. Now is the time to think about the items that you really want to see there and to make sure that it’s included when you put out the call for papers.

Put Together a Team

If you are the academic organiser behind the symposium, you’ll have a lot of work to do when it comes to choosing speakers and panellists from those who have submitted papers. This is why it’s so important that you don’t get overwhelmed and forget about the organisation of the actual event. Getting a good administrative team behind you will help to ensure that everything runs smoothly on the day. They will likely have organised different events before, and communications can be kept to only what is important and be done through progress meetings.


You might not think that a symposium costs a lot of money, after all, it’s just a group of people in a room presenting their research, but you might find yourself surprised. For one thing, the best symposiums have a venue that works really well for presentations and with plenty of room. These aren’t always cheap to hire which is why you’ll need to start searching early. There is also the catering to consider. Academics still need fed at some point, and preferably hot food if the symposium is to last all day or over the course of multiple days. Having a budget in place is essential and getting cost estimates in advance can help you to understand how much you are likely to spend.

Pick a Venue

Your venue is arguably the most important decision you’ll have to make regarding your symposium. You’ll need to think of the type of room that you require, or if you are looking a venue where multiple talks can happen concurrently. What type of stage and technology will your researchers need to present? There are a number of private screening venues for hire in London that make great symposium venues as they are all set up to be able to project onto screens. The layouts of these venues are designed to accommodate this type of an audience.

Decide on Keynote Speakers

Sometimes the biggest draw to a research symposium is the keynote speakers, so make sure that you take your time and choose them carefully. Their topic must be a central part of your theme or your audience will be left disappointed. You will need someone who is well known in your area but also an engaging speaker. Once you have secured your keynote, you should promote this fact as soon as possible. It will start to build up interest in the symposium as a whole and other academics are more likely to submit papers.

Have a Section For Young Researchers

A symposium is a great chance for young academics to shine, and so ensuring that they have a chance to will be well received, A good idea outside of panel discussions is to have a poster competition. Students and early career researchers can practise talking about their research and presenting their work to an audience. A symposium can also be a great ‘trial run’ for other conferences that they wish to submit to. Many of these will require a poster so this will be a great opportunity for all involved. Make sure that the winner is announced to the audience at the end of the day and that they are available to come and collect their prize.

Have a Schedule That Everyone Knows About

Having a schedule for the event with times clearly printed is an absolute must. This means that the audience won’t miss their favourite speakers, and they’ll know exactly when and where lunch is being served. You should email a copy of this out a week in advance but also make sure that there are plenty of hard copies available on the day. All speakers should be emailed personally with a copy of the schedule so that there’s no confusion over when they are speaking or how long for. You will need people there on the day working to ensure everyone sticks to their time. Most will when given a limit, but there are always a few that try to push the boundaries of this.


To get people to attend your symposium, they are going to have to know that it’s happening. Designing a well-thought out poster is the first step in advertising for this type of event. You will then need to email round all of your contacts asking them to share with anyone who they think may be interested. Social media and your website will also be useful but contacting people through your network and LinkedIn is generally much more successful for a research event.

A research symposium isn’t like any other type of event but there are some similarities when it comes to organising one. Making sure that you have a plan and that everyone knows where they need to be and when is one of the keys to running a successful symposium.

FAQs Private Screening Rooms in London

Why should I hire a private screening room in London?

Hiring a private London screening room is the perfect way to celebrate your upcoming feature length or short film project. From a small venue in Soho to a big private screening in central London, there are plenty of options to choose from. Whether you’re organising a bash for industry professionals, a modest private cinema screening for close associates or you need some cinema equipment for a private party, there will be a perfect room in London to suit your needs. Private screening venues normally come with all the equipment you’ll need, so just bring your film or presentation and let the venue do the rest! Make sure to check with your venue manager that the cost of technical staff is covered in your hire fee, otherwise you may need to provide your own.

How do I organise a private film screening?

Once you’ve got your film ready to share, it’s time to organise a private film screening! When you’re looking for venues, have a think about what kind of event you’re intending to host, how many people you’d like to invite and what area of London will be most convenient for your guests. Having this information upfront can make searching for a venue quick and easy, especially when you use Canvas’ advanced search function to find the perfect London cinema. You can even narrow down your search with technical and AV hire included, so make sure to expand the “Venue Specs” tab when you’re making your search.

What equipment do I need for a private screening?

Most private screening venues will have the basic equipment required to host your event, so just make sure to check what they have and ensure it’s available for your date when you confirm your booking with the venue manager. You’ll need to make sure you have a screen, projection equipment and speakers at the very minimum, but depending on the size of your event you may also want microphones available to talk to your guests.

Can I hire a private screening space for a presentation?

Absolutely! Private screening spaces are perfect for all kinds of presentations, as they’re normally set up with all the equipment you’ll need. Most are organised with theatre style seating, so if you’d prefer your guests to be sitting at tables you’ll need to let the venue manager know.

Where can I find private screening rooms in London?

There are plenty of rooms for hire across London, but when choosing the perfect venue for a private screening event, you must make sure that you have chosen the best venue in the best location. You might look for private cinemas in Covent Garden, or Leicester Square, or perhaps Soho. Each location will offer different benefits - are you looking for just a venue with a big screen, or a whole cinema? Central London is always a great option, but make sure to do your research on not just the venue, but where exactly it is located, and whether guests can easily access it and other local amenities.

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